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NO.11034   minohikiブリーダーに連絡  Wanny  2010/10/19
こんにちは、誰もがここで英語をよく話しますか? (Googleが下手な日本語の翻訳のための私の謝罪)

hello,does anyone here speak English? (My apologies for the poor Japanese translation by Google)
I try to get in touch with a Minohiki breeder. I breed them here in the Netherlands based on animals that were imported years ago. To prevent inbreeding, we were forced to crossbreed with other breeds such as Satsumadori and Yokohama. This causes the disappearance of the authentic genes that we just want to preserve. We need help, primarily by contact with an experienced breeder. So we can continue working to Japanese standards.

NO.11035   Re: minohikiブリーダーに連絡  ティー  2010/10/19
It is forced to a crossing with the cock of a kind different to prevent near relation breeding of Minohiki of the Japanese cock that own is held and seems to want to obtain Minohiki of the other system.
I think that the breeder is found in a site of this place of a group storing of the Japanese cock.


Because it is imported in the past, I have the customs in own.
When I cannot do it, I think that it had better be looked for in a Dutch side.


NO.11036   Re: minohikiブリーダーに連絡  ティー  2010/10/19
It is possible for you you import it in own in the past, and to file this time again.
You had better look for the person who could do it in the Netherlands if it was not possible for you.

It is the e-mail address of the above group.
The inquiry had better translate it into Japanese.


NO.11040   Re: minohikiブリーダーに連絡  Wanny  2010/10/21
Thank you for you answer, i appreciate it.
